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Legal notice

St-Germain Express Inc hopes you will enjoy this web site.  However, we assume no responsibility for the content or the availability or not of any function or form of this web site.  We will assume no responsibility for the exactness of its content and will not be held reponsible for any decision you might take after using or visiting our web site.  

Transportation requests submitted through this web site are accepted in good faith.  They engage your responsibility and the responsibilty of the person completing the forms.  When you accept to submit a transportation request through our web site, you accept and confirm that it engages your  legal responsibility and that you have the legal obligation to pay for the requested transportation. 

Given the above statements, we cannot garanty your transportation request will be received by our dispatch department or that it will be executed.  You have the obligation to verify that your demand has been received, accepted and that it will be executed. 

Any job application completed on this web site does not engage our responsibility in any way.  We consider it is important to take time to read your job application or your CV.  However, you will not held us reponsible for any damage whatsoever if we do not consult your application or if we do not acknowledge its reception or its acceptation.  You will therefore not take any legal action against us for these reasons.

You will not hold St-Germain Express Inc, its owners, employees, providers, insurers or any person related to these persons liable for any damage, alledged or real.   You will not take any legal or civil action resulting from the use of this web site or of any fuction provided by this web site.  By using this web site and all of its fuctions, you accept to defend us and represent us in any legal action even against yourself.

You hereby renounce any legal disposition that would limit this legal advice.  You acknowledge that the legal responsibility of St-Germain Express Inc or its owners, employees, insurers, service providers or any person related to these persons will be limited to the symbolic amount of 1$ CDN, including any  and all legal fees incurred.  You hereby accept to limit our responsibility and to defend us in any legal action you might undertake.                  

The use of this web site means that you implicitely accept the conditions for the use of this web site and that you accept and endorse any and all conditions described above.